introHomemade Shampoo
Your ultimate guide to homemade shampoo! Here are ten easy recipes you can use to find the perfect formula for your hair.
The benefits are that you can use all natural ingredients, avoid all of the fillers and irritants commercial makers use, scent it any way you want, and customize it to suit your hair's needs.
What more do I need to say?
I love my homemade shampoo. It smells great and leaves my hair feeling light and soft.
step 1: BASIC
For normal hair, or as a base to add your own scents, use * ^1^/,,4,, cup distilled water * ^1^/,,4,, cup liquid Castile Soap - I use unscented, but you can choose your fa…
To wake up your scalp and your senses, try tea tree and peppermint oil! This one's my personal favorite, and the one I use daily. It's so refreshing! Combine * ^1^/,,4,,…
step 3: QUENCH
For dry hair, try this: * ^1^/,,4,, cup distilled water * ^1^/,,4,, cup liquid Castile Soap - your favorite scent * ^1^/,,4,, cup aloe vera gel * 1 teaspoon glycerin * ^1^…
step 4: SOOTHE
Chamomile makes this 'poo a calming treat. Chamomile also has natural lightening properties, so combine this with lemon juice if you want to lighten your hair! * 1 cup di…
step 5: DE-FLAKE
Dandruff can affect many different people in every age group. Dandruff can manifest as either very dry and flaky scalp or very oily scalp with flakes. Contrary to popular …
step 6: SHINE
Fragrant and lively, try this recipe to add shine to your hair . * ^1^/,,4,, cup distilled water * ^1^/,,4,, cup liquid Castile Soap - try Lemon! * 2 Tbsp dried rosemary * …
This is a great shampoo for any hair type. * ^1^/,,4,, cup distilled water * ^1^/,,4,, cup liquid Castile Soap - I use unscented, but you can choose your favorite * ^1^/,,…
step 8: YUMMY
I can't resist the alluring smell of this luxurious shampoo. * ^1^/,,4,, cup distilled water * ^1^/,,4,, cup liquid Castile Soap - I use unscented, but you can choose yo…
step 9: DRY
This is a great in-between treatment for hair, if you're helping someone who can't wash their hair on their own, or for removing dirt and oil from the hair when fresh wate…
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