Thursday, July 23, 2009

make your own almond or cashew milk! here's how..

You can use raw, unsalted cashews or almonds for this recipe.

1/2 c soaked almonds (or if you are using cashews they do not need to be soaked)
3 or 4 T raw agave nectar (or raw sugar)
4 c water
3/4 t sea salt
1 t vanilla extract (optional)

Put the ingredients in a blender for a couple of minutes and pour it through a sieve if it is made with almonds- (you don't need to filter the cashew milk because the cashew are soft and turn into cream easily). Use a sieve with larger holes at first to catch the bigger pieces of nuts and then pour it through a finer one so it will be smooth.

Use this milk to replace any recipe that calls for milk, or chill it and drink as is. I love it so much. I make milk shakes by adding bananas, ice, cinnamon and clove powder to the blender.

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