Thursday, July 23, 2009

raw vegetable soup with almonds & sun-dried tomatoes

This soup is so simple and absolutely delicious! Here's the recipe:

In a blender:
1 c carrots
1 c tomatoes
7 pieces of sun-dried tomatoes
2 T olive oil
1/2 a small piece of garlic
1 T thyme
1 T lime juice
1/2 t oregano
1 t agave nectar (optional)
4 c hot water
1 1/2 t sea salt

1. Blend until smooth 2. Chop up some vegetables like celery, red onion, red cabbage, tomatoes (whatever is in your fridge), and add it to the soup. 3. Chop up some raw almonds and more sun-dried tomatoes and sprinkle them on top with a bit of black pepper and olive oil (to make it pretty). Now eat it! Makes 2 large bowls.

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